Verily – A Social Media Platform That We Need

Social media is our daily companion. We use social media platforms to communicate with anyone online. However, it is starting to feel like there has not been any innovation or anything too meaningful recently.

Have there been any breakthroughs? Let’s go over some issues that have gone unresolved in recent years.

The Problem with Most Social Media Platforms

While people are engaged on multiple social media applications, it is crucial to notice that they serve a specific function. Each major platform has worked its way into its own specialty. The one thing none of them do is build your quality, reputation, or credibility on a personal or brand level. This is a market gap.

Social Apps Don’t Truly Build Reputation

Followers, likes, comments, subscribers, shares, views – all of these are metrics that people assign value to. However, these are not the truest indicators of quality, reputation, or credibility. In recent history, there was no app that put a number to someone’s authenticity, or holistically assess someone on a large range of factors. These factors would be ideal for creating a truer public image of a person.

Social Commodification

When you go on a site, the likelihood of your data getting sold is quite high. That is how businesses make money, by looking at your search preferences. However, the user receives no money.

For all social media apps, users are making no money unless they are an influencer or successful content creator. What if an app baked financial rewards into its usage? No app gamifies usage or rewards users when their data is sold.

Introducing Verily: Solution to the Credibility Problem of Social Media

Verily is the world’s first and only social media app that provides users with the tools to build their digital reputation. Here’s how Verily addresses the issues found in traditional social media platforms:

Verified Users: Real People, Their Names, and Their Honest Opinions

It is essential to understand better what makes Verily authentic to its values. This app has partnered with Persona to enable users to verify their identity manually. This verification process takes only 2 minutes.

The platform prides itself on connecting real people together, which necessitates thorough but efficient verification checks on its users.

The Burden of Proof

When people claim to be a certain type of person, all we can do is reach out to references or trust their word for it. Maybe there is some online content of them that you could find that could speak to their character – maybe not. Verily helps its users with profile-based reviews that consist of 10 pivotal factors that are mostly virtuous with some minor exceptions.

These reviews consider the values of the person who assigns a rating to each factor, making them comprehensive and fair. This system is fundamental in helping users discover their strengths and areas to improve, as well as locating other people with a certain level of quality.


Verily has pledged to commodify reputation by acting as intermediary reputation processor. Moreover, it intends to gamify interactions with a native cryptocurrency that is baked into its reputation processing.

A Specific and Controllable Rating System

Verily utilizes a weighted rating system that users can modify to their own preference, which is a unique improvement to online ratings that we don’t see in most review sites that rely on stars.

Search Parameters

While Verily is a new app with rudimentary searching, the search capabilities are still sufficient for finding what you need. Users can search by name, location, hobby, tags, and ratings. Searching on Verily is more ideal than other big tech apps if your objective is to curate connections with people of a certain quality.

This feature is particularly beneficial for verifying acquaintances, discovering communities, and establishing new business opportunities.


Are you interested in building an online reputation that can be easily absorbed by others? Verily might be the right choice. And one of the best outcomes to look forward to is the continuance of building into this new niche of social media. Users are now given a new power to define themselves online, as no other platform allows people to be reviewed, especially at such depth. All of this includes the serious potential to earn from home.

If this interests you, become a member and start linking with real people, feeling more confident due to shared experience, and succeeding with the help of accurate analytics.

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