Scarlett Liu: A Global Force in Visual Design

Scarlett Liu stands as a beacon of creativity and innovation in the world of visual design. With a remarkable career that spans over seven years, Scarlett has left an indelible mark on the industry through her contributions to e-commerce, user experience, digital experiences, and marketing collateral. Her journey, marked by collaboration with industry giants like Walmart, Costco, and Target, showcases her unparalleled ability to blend artistry with functionality.

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Image credit: Scarlett Liu

A Journey of Excellence and Innovation

Scarlett’s professional trajectory is a testament to her dedication and expertise. Her tenure as a Visual Designer at Allstate Protection Plans highlights her ability to elevate digital experiences and marketing collateral. Collaborating with creative directors, copywriters, project managers, and stakeholders, she has spearheaded innovative concepts that enhance online customer interactions. Notably, Scarlett led the design for the Walmart x Allstate Roadside Pilot Program, a project poised to expand nationwide into a $1.5 billion initiative. Her leadership in the Grand Appliance Program Launch resulted in a 30% increase in e-commerce attach rates, a clear indicator of her impact on business success.

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Image credit: Scarlett Liu

Prior to her work at Allstate, Scarlett’s role at Topology Eyewear further underscored her prowess in UI/UX design and digital experiences. She played a pivotal role in the redesign of the Topology Eyewear website, a project that earned multiple awards, including the Platinum Winner by Muse Design Awards. Scarlett’s innovative approach to the Topology iOS App’s AR and 3D face scanning workflow revolutionized the user experience, establishing her as a leader in digital innovation.

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Image credit: Scarlett Liu

Awards and Recognition

Scarlett’s talent and hard work have been consistently recognized by the design community. Her accolades include the 2023 Indigo Design Awards Bronze Winner in Website Design, the 2022 Vega Digital Awards Centauri Winner in Website Design, the 2021 Platinum winner by Muse Design Awards and the 2021 Sliver Winner A’ Design 
Award & Competition. These awards are a testament to her exceptional skills and her ability to create visually stunning and user-centric designs.

Mastery of Tools and Techniques

Proficiency in a wide array of design tools is one of Scarlett’s hallmarks. Her expertise spans Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, Sketch, InVision, and Canva, among others. This technical versatility, combined with a solid understanding of typography, color theory, and layout principles, allows her to craft compelling visual narratives that resonate with users. Scarlett’s skills in user interface design, web design, information architecture, creative direction, and motion graphics enable her to deliver holistic design solutions that are both aesthetically pleasing and functionally robust.

Educational Foundation

Scarlett’s educational background has been instrumental in shaping her design philosophy. She holds an MA in Graphic Design & Digital Media from the Academy of Art University and a BFA in Graphic Design from Chengdu University of Technology. This strong academic foundation, coupled with her practical experience, has equipped her with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the dynamic field of visual design.

Esteemed Judge for the W3 Awards

A distinguished figure in the design community and an AVIA member, Scarlett Liu further extends her influence by serving as a judge for the prestigious W3 Awards. This role underscores her expertise and recognition within the industry, as she evaluates and honors the creative excellence of the best websites, digital marketing, video, mobile sites/apps, and social content. Her discerning eye for design and innovation ensures that only the most outstanding entries receive accolades, fostering a culture of excellence and pushing the boundaries of digital creativity. Scarlett’s involvement with the W3 Awards highlights her dedication to advancing the field of visual design and her commitment to nurturing emerging talent.

Global Impact and Vision

Scarlett Liu’s portfolio is a reflection of her global impact as a designer. Her work has transcended geographical boundaries, influencing design trends and setting new standards of excellence. Her proactive and self-motivated approach, combined with a keen eye for detail and problem-solving abilities, makes her a valuable asset to any team. Scarlett’s designs not only meet client expectations but also push the envelope, creating experiences that are memorable and impactful.

In a world where visual design plays a crucial role in shaping user experiences and brand identities, Scarlett Liu stands out as a visionary. Her commitment to excellence, innovation, and user-centric design continues to inspire and influence the next generation of designers. As she forges ahead in her career, Scarlett’s contributions to the field of visual design will undoubtedly leave a lasting legacy.

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