Growth Unleashed: A 26-Year-Old CEO’s Blueprint for Entrepreneurial Success

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What is the secret to being successful and accomplished in your entrepreneurial and personal life? Inara Dodhiya, is an example of pure success, and her work not only professionally but personally, shows us how staying truthful to yourself and entering a journey of self discovery goes a long way into finding your true calling and where your happiness lies.

Whether it is through one to one engagement with clients, teaching English to children in Palestine, twirling on fashion runways or finding comfort in her prayers and meditations, Inara Dodhiya has always focused on attempting to find ways to encapsulate her strengths, values, personality and  work ethics into her personal and work strategies.

When navigating into the academic field was starting to not be as rewarding as she would want and not being a true reflector of her true potential, Dodhiya did not limit herself to this environment : she took the courage to take a gap year and work towards finding herself. Even though she was scared, and had her moments of insecurity, questioning whether she made the right call, the decision to take a step back was crucial for her to  find her true calling. By being her own coach, she learned her strengths, weaknesses and created strategies to successfully work and specialize in organizational coaching, an area where she could not only help individuals and have meaningful conversations, but also serve as a reference of inspiration to others.

It is not only her spice tolerance that is impeccable, but her journey as well. Inara’s successful approach and passion towards coaching has allowed her to be the live example of what she preaches and teaches, where by accessing her core interests and values, she found a path that was personalized into her likes, and at the same time rewarding, filled with achievements, where she was able to specialize at University of British Columbia at  organizational coaching and being the co-contributor author of an immensely insightful best seller book about self-growth called “Pathways to Fulfillment”. By sharing her voice through her work, and literature achievements she found a way to be the director of her own story and orchestrate her own paths, and now her focus is on elevating every client’s potential into their ideal position.

ID Solution is a direct reflection of her unconventional and successful  journey. What makes Dodhiya’s approach unique, is the openness and rhetoric approach used in every step of the way. Inara is not afraid to discuss with her clients her own vulnerabilities, and in fact, she welcomes them, embracing how following untraditional patterns, and dismantling from societies’ pre-established norms can not only be  freeing but also help understand who you really are, and reach independence. By doing so, Dodhiya is attempting to break walls  and create closer ties between herself and her clients. Additionally, her rhetorical approach helps the individuals she works with discover and identify for themselves what is impeding them from reaching their full capacities, where her role is not one of imposing answers (like what many coaches in the field aim for) but of creating a co-created space where people can regain control of their lives and unlock their true potential by identifying and navigating the proper ways to reach their goals and leading each person into paths that will bring fulfillment. This methodology has allowed her to engage with multiple businesses, ranging from small business owners all the way to Fortune 500 executives.

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By taking the lessons she has learned when entering the coaching business, and creating an environment where clients can draw the answers for their insecurities by themselves, Dodhyia aims at encouraging her clients to take control over their lives and feel confident around making uncomfortable decisions. Her bubbly, warm and charismatic personality is a priceless asset in this mission that has allowed her to create a work environment where she transmits this light in all her teaching to others, through keynote speaking, one-on-one coaching, organizational leadership/team coaching, executive coaching, image consulting, soft skills training, and workshops. This multifaceted entrepreneur has shaped her way into the industry by keeping in touch with her roots and battling through all the challenges of being a woman in a high end industry, making her story and company a precedent of empowerment.

Dodhiya is a lesson to be learned, where through her work, she shows her community how each individual story deserves to be heard and brought to its full potential. At the end of the day, the biggest blueprint for entrepreneurial success is not the achievements or financial benefits that can come along with it, but the type of impact you leave on others, and with a touch of kindness, talent and innovative thinking Inara Dodhyia finds her way into leaving her mark into the organizational coaching industry.

Embark on a transformative journey with her! Book your keynote speaking engagements, elevate your entrepreneurial ventures with personalized coaching, and join an empowering community. Follow Inara Dodhyia on social media for daily inspiration, exclusive content, and a vibrant network of like-minded individuals. Your journey to growth and success starts now!

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