From Google to Entrepreneur: Building a Successful Startup in Surety Bonds

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Image credit: Jay Xiao

The world of insurance, debt, and bonds can be perplexing for many to try and wrap their head around. By design, the systems through which these services are made available are full of deliberate obfuscation and contradiction, engineered to pull the wool over the eyes of the average consumer. However, it doesn’t have to be like this. Jay Xiao is doing everything possible to realize his dream: “I want to make buying surety bonds and insurance as easy as buying a keychain on Amazon.”

Working alongside the team at Nomad Insurance Agency, Jay Xiao’s new startup company is SuretyNow. It aims to take the guesswork out of insurance and bonds, allowing users to “get the affordable bond you need in seconds at ultra-low rates.” If that sounds unbelievable, Xiao has a history of overcoming obscene obstacles to deliver results.

Overcoming Adversity

Jay Xiao, a man of remarkable resilience, was born missing half of one arm. Despite this, he never let his physical appearance hinder his career in the tech industry.

Xiao persevered, getting the most out of his collegiate experience at Queen’s University in every way. He started his first company with friends in his first year of college and became a self-taught programmer. This set the foundation for a long-term and successful career in tech.

After graduating, Xiao worked full-time for Google for four years before capitalizing on his experience and knowledge to realize his dreams. As Xiao puts it, “I’ve always believed in the power of technology to improve the lives of people. On a fundamental level, that’s what drives me every day.” This belief and Xiao’s copious technological experience led directly to SuretyNow.

Simplifying Surety Bonds

Surety bonds are bonds usually purchased to satisfy trade licensing agreements, which protect an individual from being taken advantage of by a large business. In other words, they protect an individual from corporations, making the difficulty level of attaining these bonds all the more desperately in need of change. That’s where SuretyNow comes in, an easy-to-use online service that allows users to get same-day surety bonds and offers them unprecedented access to information and pricing options.

With SuretyNow, Jay Xiao and his team have used technology to innovate within the surety bonds industry and significantly improved customer service. Their agents can now produce twice the industry average, a testament to their commitment to providing the best service to their customers.

With SuretyNow, Jay Xiao offers users a safer, more affordable, and more accessible way to insure themselves and their loved ones.

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