Fast Lane Drive LA is Expanding At the Speed of Sound

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What setting better suits a caravan of supercars than the Hollywood hills? The answers are few and far between, but Fast Lane Drive surely made its mark on Mulholland Drive earlier this month, and members of the Los Angeles car community are ready for more.

Fast Lane Drive is a premier luxury car club that recently opened its newest chapter in Los Angeles, California. Members of the home-base chapter in San Diego have enjoyed years of rallies, events, and networking engagements that have created lifelong friendships and memories. The original founder Clement Connor decided to expand across the U.S., and franchise owners Joe El All, Gaby Letellier and Giovanni Letellier have made that happen in Vegas this month. Over the last year, the original 100 members have been a part of Fast Lane’s expansion to Scottsdale, Arizona, Las Vegas, Nevada, and now Los Angeles.

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LA brings a whole new level of luxury to the concept of a luxury car community, and the Fast Lane Drive community is an extremely unique one. When the founder first came together in 2017 and decided to start taking applicants, they were careful to maintain their values and goals as the club grew. At the core of Fast Lane’s existence is a genuine love for supercars and a desire to get them on the road. There are plenty of car clubs and car enthusiasts sprinkled throughout Southern California, but Fast Lane Drive set out to find members who wanted more for their Lamborghini Aventadors than to watch them collect dust in the garage. Combine that with the club’s vibrant social atmosphere and philanthropic endeavors and it’s really no surprise that LA has always been an ideal location for a Fast Lane Drive chapter.

Fast Lane Drive LA is expanding at the speed of sound, with nearly 200 drivers and copilots at its first two events, and even more expected to join in the coming months. Opening weekend kicked off with a drive through Malibu Canyon and a private lunch at Nobu. In addition to a luxury stay at the SLS, Fast Lane took over Members LA and enjoyed a night with friends, old and new.

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The most recent Fast Lane LA event also took advantage of all the luxury Los Angeles has to offer. A five-bedroom Beverly Hills residence acted as home base for the club, and members enjoyed another Malibu drive, an exquisite lunch at Malibu Cafe, and a classic Fast Lane afterparty, always somehow better than the last. Though a lineup including three SF90s made it look like a Ferrari club, Fast Lane accepts a wide variety of European luxury supercars like McLarens, Lamborghinis, Bugattis, and more (to a certain standard, of course).

Fast Lane LA is sparing no expense to ensure that its members experience the luxury and style that comes along with a Los Angeles social and car club. With many more events to look forward to, Fast Lane LA is accepting new members and currently seeing 25 to 35 applications per day. Like the clubs in both San Diego and Scottsdale, the membership selection process is extremely selective, and membership will be capped to maintain the club’s core value of a tight-knit group of friends.

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To learn more about membership opportunities at Fast Lane Drive LA, visit the Fast Lane Website.

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