Exploring the Connection Between Visual Art and Music in VAYA’s Creative Journey

VAYA, a Swiss-born artist, living in Toronto, Canada whose life has been dedicated to her passion for music and artistry. Born on April 12, 1983, she’s poured nearly four decades of her life into singing, composing, and performing. Despite facing life’s challenges, including divorce, Vaya’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of love and self-discovery.

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Image Credit: VAYA, Victoria Von Fliedner

Embracing Spiritual Convictions

At the core of Vaya’s being lies a deep belief in the transformative power of love. This belief fuels her creative spirit, inspiring her to craft art that serves as a beacon of hope in a sometimes-dark world. Through her music and visual art, she encourages others to reconnect with the universal force of love.

An Expansive Artistic Journey

Vaya’s artistic journey has been a lifelong exploration of self-expression and growth. Whether through her soulful melodies or her captivating visual art, she seeks to touch the hearts of people from all walks of life, transcending language and cultural barriers.

In the realm of cinematic artistry, where each frame is a canvas and every sound a symphony, the legacy of PULSE reigns supreme. Its transcendent mastery in sound design, composition, and music video craftsmanship propelled her into the limelight, earning her the distinguished titles of Best Sound Designer, Best Composer, and Best Music Video at prestigious awards ceremonies worldwide.

Visual Expression as Poetry

In addition to her music, Vaya’s talent extends to the realm of visual art. Using paint and canvas, she creates works that stir the emotions and provoke thought. Each stroke of her brush is infused with her spirit, inviting viewers to explore their own inner worlds.

Inspiring Through MANAKEL

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Image Credit: VAYA, Victoria Von Fliedner


Manakel, the symbol of freedom and relief, became a guiding light on VAYA’s journey, offering clarity and direction as she navigated the complexities of her life and art. With Manakel’s presence by her side, VAYA felt a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration, culminating in the creation of a deeply personal and powerful musical composition.

Through her collaboration with Manakel, VAYA discovered a profound truth – that her artistic talents were not just gifts, but sacred responsibilities entrusted to her by a higher power. Embracing this realization, she dedicated herself to honoring the divine through her music and art, knowing that she was merely an instrument in a greater symphony of creation.

As the industry stands on the precipice of a new era, it is Manakel that beckons attention. Inspired by the depths of her creative influences, this forthcoming masterpiece promises to redefine the boundaries of storytelling. With its online release slated for June 6, 2024, anticipation mounts as she unveils a tantalizing teaser, offering a glimpse into the ethereal world of Manakel. At the forefront of her narrative is the essence of Manakel itself—a testament to her artistic vision and unwavering dedication.

In VAYA’s journey, faith and art converge, illuminating the path to spiritual awakening and creative expression. Through her unwavering devotion to her craft and her connection to the divine, she reminds us that true artistry transcends earthly boundaries, offering a glimpse into the eternal realm of the soul.


Vaya, reflecting on her journey from a devout upbringing to her artistic endeavors, finds solace and guidance in music and spirituality. Despite personal struggles, including a challenging divorce, she remains resilient, attributing her strength to her faith and divine intervention. Encountering the angel Manakel through her music, she embraces the notion of being a vessel for divine expression. Her recent work, inspired by this connection, reflects a newfound sense of purpose and devotion. Vaya’s artistic journey, intertwined with her spiritual awakening, is marked by awards and recognition for her music videos, showcasing her commitment to her craft and faith.

About VAYA

Vaya, born as Victoria Von Fliedner, is an artist and musician celebrated for her vibrant and diverse artistic style, spanning painting, photography, and performance art. Her work delves into rock and roll culture, spirituality, and the human experience, often integrating vivid colors, dynamic compositions, and photographic elements. Notably, she reimagines iconic figures like Jim Morrison through her unique lens, infusing her pieces with spiritual and introspective dimensions. In addition to her visual art, Vaya fronts a musical project called Vaya, characterized by its blend of tribal and rock influences, aiming to evoke powerful emotional connections with listeners. Her creative philosophy emphasizes authenticity, emotional expression, and spiritual exploration. Vaya has also ventured into filmmaking, with her short film “Sexual” winning accolades for its integration of music and visual storytelling. She continues to explore her artistic vision and thematic interests through upcoming film projects with her collaborator based in Japan.




Last Release


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Image Credit: VAYA, Victoria Von Fliedner


Upcoming Release for July





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