Everett Andres: Action Hero with a Heart

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Image Credit: Everett Andres

During the casting process for a film, casting directors agree that the acting always comes first. And for Everett Andres this standard is no exception. His acting ability and his humanity stand out. When describing Everett’s work in Netflix’s Lost Ollie, Oscar-winning director Peter Ramsey shares, “He was able to take the character of Mike to a level of edginess and believability that perfectly suited the feel we needed for our show, which combines fantasy and grounded realism.  Everett gave Mike the sense of menace we needed without going ever over the top; he took what was on the page and enhanced it.”

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Image Credit: Everett Andres

But Everett has another trick up his sleeve. As someone who trains 25 hours per week and is among the best in Canada as an elite gymnast, he is able to take on remarkable physical challenges on set. “It’s been a bonus and a nice surprise, I think, for the directors that I’ve worked with, that when I arrive on set, I have the skills and want to do the whole role from beginning to end.”

Everett believes that his extensive physical training lends authenticity to his roles. In the aforementioned Lost Ollie, he learned tricky fight choreography for a barroom brawl. But the fun didn’t stop there. Everett has taken on challenges like falling off a roof to his death in Virgin River, running through debris in an exploding building in Quantum Leap, tumbling as a circus performer in Big Top Academy: School’s Out, playing basketball in Dating the Delaneys, and learning to drive a boat in Navigating Christmas, which led to some adventures. Everett says that he drove into the open water in the pitch-dark one night when the camera boat lost its lights and couldn’t find him. He adds that this was concerning, but not nearly as concerning as the pod of orcas that was suddenly surrounding him!

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Image Credit: Everett Andres

“It’s a privilege to work with creative and brilliant people,” says Andres. Lost Ollie won five Emmy Awards and earned Andres a Joey Award, but it isn’t the only project that has garnered attention for the actor. Everett’s guest-starring role in NBC’s Quantum Leap led to two Leo Award nominations (celebrating Canadian TV and film). Of his supporting and leading roles in multiple Hallmark projects, Everett shares, “I just love crafting a character from beginning to end and collaborating with amazing people, the Hallmark sets are like family.”

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Image Credit: Everett Andres

It’s clear that Everett Andres is a young actor with a downright wholesome approach to his work. Believing in living life with deep respect for himself and others, balancing his many passions, and putting in consistent, hard work. Given the depth of his passions, it’s a good thing he is up for the hard work because he’s very busy.

“In the end, I have been so lucky to be able to learn while collaborating with incredible artists. I’ve always been a bit shy, so I never imagined I’d have this kind of career. It turns out I love the creative environment and the close relationships I have developed with diverse people of all ages,” Everett says. “Most importantly, I have stayed true to my values and continued to do the other things that I love, all while pushing past my own boundaries and forging a path unique to me in an industry I love.”


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